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/ The Fatted Calf / The Fatted Calf.iso / Applications / Compression / Opener / Opener.app / English.lproj / Opener.nib / data.nib (.txt) < prev   
NeXT TypedStream Data  |  1994-03-08  |  9KB  |  200 lines

  1. typedstream
  2. IBObjectData
  3. Object
  4. CustomObject
  5. Application
  6. MenuCell
  7. ButtonCell
  8. ActionCell
  9. Preferences...
  10.     Helvetica
  11. Matrix
  12. Control
  13.     Responder
  14. @:@iiii
  15. Info...
  16. Help...
  17. Suggestion...
  18. ff@@#::s
  19. Button
  20. [10@]
  21.     TextField
  22. TextFieldCell
  23. Opener
  24. Version 3.1.2 Mar 1994
  25. %Michael Hawley
  26. mike@media-lab.mit.edu
  27. NXImage
  28. docTar
  29. docShar
  30. docAPP
  31. $Denise Blakeley
  32. blake015@mc.duke.edu
  33. docPS
  34. Find Previous
  35. Find Panel...
  36.     Find Next
  37. Enter Selection
  38. Jump To Selection
  39. ScrollView
  40. ClipView
  41. ciifffcfffs
  42. [1890c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;\f1\fmodern Courier;\f2\ftech Symbol;}
  43. \margl40
  44. \margr40
  45. {\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;}
  46. \pard\tx1340\tx2680\tx4020\tx5360\tx6720\tx8060\tx9400\tx10740\tx12080\tx13440\f0\b\i0\ul\fs20\li360\fc0\cf0 \
  47. \fs36 Opener\
  48. \b0\ulnone\fs16\fc1\cf1 \
  49. \fs28 Unpacks/opens common kinds of archived files; handy when perusing 
  50. \b ftp
  51. \b0  servers.  Currently knows:\
  52. \fs16 \
  53. \f1\fs28     *.Z,tar,shar,lzh    unix compressed files\
  54.     *.z,gz            GNU 
  55. \i gzip
  56. \i0 -compressed files\
  57. \pard\tx720\tx2680\tx4020\tx5360\tx6720\tx8060\tx9400\tx10740\tx12080\tx13440\fc1\cf1 *.uu        
  58. \pard\tx1340\tx2680\tx4020\tx5360\tx6720\tx8060\tx9400\tx10740\tx12080\tx13440\li360\fc1\cf1     
  59. \pard\tx720\tx2680\tx4020\tx5360\tx6720\tx8060\tx9400\tx10740\tx12080\tx13440\i\fc1\cf1 uuencoded 
  60. \i0 file
  61. \pard\tx1340\tx2680\tx4020\tx5360\tx6720\tx8060\tx9400\tx10740\tx12080\tx13440\li360\fc1\cf1 \
  62.     *.hqx,bin,sit        macintosh archives\
  63.     *.arc,zip,zoo        msdos 
  64. \i arc
  65. \i0  archives\
  66.     *.PS            
  67. \f0 (
  68. \b\i Preview
  69. \b0\i0  misses cap .
  70. \f1\b PS
  71. \f0\b0 )\
  72. \f1 *.arj            msdos 
  73. \i arj
  74. \i0  archives
  75. \f0 \
  76.                 (extraction only)\
  77. \f1 *.compressed        NeXT compressed files\
  78. \f0\fs16 \
  79. \b\fs28 Opener
  80. \b0  creates scratch files, 
  81. \i /tmp/O_...; 
  82. \i0 you can remove them with the 
  83. \i Cleanup
  84. \i0  command, or by quitting.  
  85. \b Opener
  86. \b0  recognizes and builds items found in source archives (like 
  87. \i comp.sources
  88. \i0 .) 
  89. \i e.g
  90. \i0 , if you open ...
  91. \i comp.sources.unix/thing/part*.Z , 
  92. \b\i0 Opener
  93. \b0  will try to build that software.  To make a 
  94. \i .tar.Z
  95. \i0  or other archive, drag some files onto 
  96. \b Opener
  97. \b0 's dock icon.  You can also edit the underlying archival commands if necessary by clicking "
  98. \i Edit archive table
  99. \i0 " in the 
  100. \i Preferences
  101. \i0  panel.\
  102. Michael Hawley\
  103. \i mike@media-lab.mit.edu, mjh@next.com\
  104. \i0\fs22 Copyright 
  105. \f0  MIT Media Laboratory Aug 1993
  106. NXCursor
  107. NXibeam
  108. Scroller
  109. _doScroller:
  110. @@@ffs
  111. (more help...)
  112. Helvetica-Oblique
  113. Paste
  114. Paste As
  115. MenuTemplate
  116. *@*@ccc
  117. submenuAction:
  118. NXmenuArrow
  119. Open...
  120. Cleanup...
  121. Delete
  122. Spelling...
  123. Check Spelling
  124. Select All
  125. WindowTemplate
  126. iiii***@s@
  127. Panel
  128. .tar.Z
  129. OtherViewsA
  130.     PopUpList
  131. #a                          archive:
  132. CancelD
  133. NXreturnSign
  134. [168c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  135. \margl40
  136. \margr40
  137. \pard\tx533\tx1067\tx1601\tx2135\tx2668\tx3202\tx3736\tx4270\tx4803\tx5337\f0\b0\i0\ulnone\fs28\fc0\cf0 
  138. create
  139. unpack
  140. popUp:
  141. NXpopup
  142. Make new archive
  143. Controller
  144. FormCell
  145. /tmpD
  146. Field:D
  147. Unpack files in:
  148. Edit archive table...D
  149. set...D
  150. Opener Preferences
  151. About Opener...
  152. Window
  153. Button3
  154. Field61
  155. Field1
  156. Button2
  157. Field6
  158. Button1
  159. ControllerInstance
  160.     InfoPanel
  161. ScrollingText
  162. cancel
  163. MainMenu
  164. File's Owner
  165. Field
  166. Panel1
  167. Button4
  168. MenuItem
  169. [32@]
  170. IBControlConnector
  171. IBConnector
  172. hide:
  173. terminate:
  174. IBOutletConnector
  175. delegate
  176. makeKeyAndOrderFront:
  177. openRequest:
  178. removeTmpFiles:
  179. help:
  180. tmpDir
  181. setTmp:
  182. editTable:
  183. setDirectory:
  184. setPackSuffix:
  185. pack:
  186.     packPanel
  187. packButton2
  188. suggestion:
  189. version
  190. packCmdText
  191. packButton
  192. setPackOrUnpack:
  193. cancelPack:
  194. copy:
  195. paste:
  196. selectAll:
  197. delete:
  198. showGuessPanel:
  199. checkSpelling: